First published:
ISBN: 978-608-4892-61-8
Pages: 213
Cover: Paperback
Language: Macedonian
Genre: Fiction, novel
...The narrative in the novel Anatomy of a Bumblebee is connected with an enticing, curious, wacky, beautifully and juicy story layered in parts that carry both anger and defiance on the one hand, and humor and grotesqueness on the other, and seriousness on the one hand. and play on the other hand, and individuality and concern for the common human, and in conjunction with the fate of one's country, and above all, a disappointment that, in the most literal sense, explodes into a revolt that carries with it the politicians and social powerful as "expendable material" with always prematurely expired…
Struggle is the key, and only a lost struggle is sadder than death. It is from one point to another the action of the rebellious man's thought; throughout history, cases are not rare when the greatest idealists take up arms and come to terms with those structures and embodiments of devaluation that only through the prism of their idealistic system of thought.
Aleksandar Prokopiev